金山金融有限公司(Golden Mountain Financial Limited,简称金山金融)是受香港证监会监管拥有第二类期货和一类证券牌照的一间香港本土金融公司,牌照号码为AYI 978,主要从事环球期货(Global Futures)和证券业务。 金山金融立足於世界顶尖的金融都市香港,一方面与遍布全球的著名交易所、会员合作(因法规禁止,不包括中国大陆) ; 另一方面致力於服务中国、日本以及世界各地的客户。 金山金融核心参与人拥有香港期货数十年的经营管理经验,相当了解期货行业的风险和发展前景。对利用商品期货进行保值、套利拥有丰富的经验和精辟独到的见解,能够为客户提供优质的服务。执业以来,金山期货秉承着「诚信」和「专业」的态度服务客户,充当交易所和客户的桥梁,提供优质的渠道,在套期保值、套利交易、投机交易上协助客户保值、增值。
Golden Mountain Financial Limited is a licensed corporation registered with the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong to carry out regulated activities in dealing in Future Contracts (Type 2) and dealing in securities (Type 1), with license number AYI 978, specializing in global futures and securities. Located in an international financial centre, Hong Kong, Golden Mountain Financial Limited, on one hand, cooperates well with worldwide well known futures exchanges and exchange members; on the other hand, dedicated to serving clients primarily from Greater China and Japan.
Given several decades of experience in the futures industry, our professional team of members well understands the prospect of the industry. We are sophisticated in spread trading and hedging in commodities futures and committed in delivering quality services to our clients in investment services. We serve our clients in a professional and decent manner, acting as bridge between exchanges and investors. In our practice, we also perform a value adder to clients in spread trading, hedging and speculating. Our only goal is to assist clients achieving their goals in both wealth preservation and enhancement. Based in Hong Kong, focused on the world, Golden Mountain Financial Limited has been being a bright pearl in Hong Kong.