Account Opening Guide
尊敬的客户: 您好,阁下在本公司开立期货合同,需要:
Dear clients, to open a futures account, please provide us with the following:
Personal Account
1. 填好及签署客户协议书,协议书上第6页有一个地方需要客户本人签字
1. A filled and signed the Client Agreement: clients have to sign in page 6 of the agreement
2. 个人身份证(或护照)复印件并签字。国内客户请在协议书上填写身份证地址,香港客户请提供三个月内地址证明(水、电、煤气、银行账单等)
2. A copy of HKID Card or Passport: for clients from mainland China , please fill in the agreement ID card address , for Hong Kong clients please provide the proof of residential address within the past three months; e.g. Recent utilities bills, bank statements
3. 香港银行户口复印件
3. A copy of your bank book/card
Company Account
1. 非中国大陆公司商业登记证副本
1. Non-mainland China Business Registration Certificate
2. 公司注册成立证书
2. Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
3. 公司章程
3. Memorandum and Article of Association
4. 董事会决议
4. Board of Directors Resolutions
5. 已送交公司注册处存档的最近期的周年申报表(AR1)及其后所有秘书及董事资料更改通知书(D2A)
5. Recent registered annual return (AR1) and all company secretary and directors Notification of Change (D2A) if any
6. 所有董事的身份证明文件复印件(护照或身份证)
6. ID of Directors Signatories
7. 最近期之财务报告 (请尽量提供,若由于特殊原因无法提供亦可)
7. Financial Statements (Please provide,but an exemption may be granted for special reasons)
8. ID of Authorized Signatories
9. 银行账户证明
9. Bank Account Statement

如有任何疑问,欢迎咨询我公司客服人员,电话:00852-2573 9300;
If you have any enquiries, please call our customer services hotline: 00852- 2573 9300
Trading hotline (Free): 86-14714330266
E-mail: gmf@gmfutures.com
客服QQ: 2635873653。
Customer services QQ: 2635873653